Due to the lack of musical education or research by the Foundation it has been brought to our attention that the P. Spree is actually from the United States of America. [Please see below]
It is important for us to be correct and as factual as possible in case we are cited as a source. We are all fans of academia and the internet so this is especially embarrassing. We want you to be able to say "I read it on the internet" and for it to be true.
As such, we are currently seeking interns to edit and research all of our post so this will never happen again. If you are interested please submit your resume to email@lassiefoundation.com.
Please accept our apologies and thanks to Jamie for bringing this to our attention,
"not to be a dick.... but polyphonic spree is from texas (denton). so i guess
maybe they can get away with some soul?
nothing's better for musical inspiration than downloading rap videos off of the internet while wayne recorded his vocals. speaking of which, a new nickname for wayne was born tonight: Wan-yay or Wan-yea, inspired of course by watching all-ster hip-hip producer Kanye West's video All Falls Down. We talked tonight about how bands hailing from the British Isles feel the need to incorporate soul and gospel into their music to get back to their "roots" , (think U2 and the Polyphonic Spree). Well, Wan-yay represents Wayne's heartfelt Africanization, the essence of which will no doubt be evident on our next record.
Posted by jeff at May 7, 2004 01:27 AM