February 20, 2006

DATs all, folks

For those of you who haven't tried putting out a 2-disc set including music from obsolete formats (remember DAT?), rarities not yet found, and multimedia, a piece of advice: Don't try to collect it all, record 4 new songs, direct the artwork, and write the liner notes all in the span of about a month. Campuzano has been taking hits while collecting the hits, and it's really because of his drive that this thing is even coming out at all.

It looks like the video will be a live performance of "Saturday Night", filmed in the City of Orange at the home of the director, Steve Lewis. He's made videos for Ride, Trashcan Sinatras, Face To Face, Switchfoot, and Driver 8, among others. Most of the live audio tracks will come from this performance, as well.

Other songs will most likely include the original version of "Kisses as Bounties" (harmonica and all), the Face Your Fun demo "Galaxy Girl", the unreleased hits "Three Cheers for Waterloo" and "We're the Number Ones", and a ripping live version of "She's the Coming Sun" that nobody knows where it was recorded (ah, the magic of DAT!).

We're still finalizing the list, so I'm sure there will be other ditties in there for y'all (I'm warming up for Texas).

Posted by wayne at February 20, 2006 10:43 PM